Two women's inspiring career change to QA


Two women's inspiring career change to QA

Changing careers can be daunting, but it can also be one of the best decisions you will ever make. That's exactly what two women, Katerina Atanasova and Petya Petrova, discovered when they switched careers to Quality Assurance (QA). Their inspiring stories show that anyone can make a successful career change with determination, hard work, and the right support.  

How do they make a “180 degrees turn in a positive direction,” as Petya described it? Well, the answer is actually not much of a mystery. It was all because they decided to apply for the Alpha QA program – the fastest path to a QA career. 

Before enrolling in Alpha QA, both women worked in different industries. Petya had a background in the supply and procurement industry, while Katerina had been working in insurance. Both were looking for a career change that would provide them with more stability, job satisfaction, and growth opportunities. And they found it! 

Today, Petya is an Associate Quality Assurance Engineer at Tick 42, and Katerina is QA Automation Engineer at Lab08.  

If you are curious to learn how they went from zero programming skills to a fulfilling QA career, keep reading.  

Remember - you still have the chance to follow their example and transform your life – apply to the Alpha QA program until April 18!

Let’s start from the beginning – when did you decide you wanted to pursue an IT career?  

Petya: The turning point for me was when I turned 40 years. For nearly 20 of them, I worked in one professional field, and after reflecting on my career so far, I decided it was time for a change. I'm sharing this for those who think it's too late to switch to another career. It's never too late to turn your life around for the better. 

Katerina: I have many friends working in the IT field, and from what they shared with me, I felt that the role of a QA engineer is something that I would like, and this career would be exciting and challenging. I decided to try it and find out if this was true. I didn't have any previous IT experience, so I joined the free fundamentals course before Alpha QA. That's how I discovered I wanted to start an IT career.

How did you choose Telerik Academy Alpha QA?  

Katerina: I was looking for a holistic program combining manual and automation QA during which I can get as much knowledge as possible. So, the curriculum and the intensity of Alpha QA were perfect for me. The evening lectures helped me to better manage the training with my other engagements, including taking care of my children. I also researched other organizations, but they didn't offer the elements I was looking for to help me launch an IT career.  

Petya: What helped me choose the Telerik Academy Alpha QA were the curriculum and the program's schedule. The fact that in 6 months, we will go in-depth into every topic needed to become a QA Engineer, and I can combine the training with my job, was crucial for me. The other thing that I liked was the partner network. This connection with employers and the chance to meet and learn more about them is a huge plus for anyone who has yet to be part of the IT sector. Also, the trial period during which we can see if this career path is for us, without any financial risk, gave me the confidence to take this step and to try. 

How did your life change after graduating from Telerik Academy? When did you land your first job as a QA engineer? 

Petya: My professional path took 180 degrees turn in a positive direction. Almost immediately after the final presentations of our projects at Alpha QA, I got invited to several interviews. I got to the point where I could choose a company to work for, and I chose the best one. Only 2 months at Tick42, and I can say that I really like my job. 

Katerina: My career and life have changed in a positive direction after the Academy. I did not expect it to happen so fast, but a few weeks after graduation, I received 2 job offers and accepted the one from Lab08, where I work today. 


What did you find most valuable in the Alpha QA program? 

Katerina: The whole program is well-structured, consistent, and immersive. I liked the mentoring program and the work in small groups. It was genuinely valuable to have someone to turn to when you face difficulties - our trainers, mentors, or buddy group. During Alpha QA, I also learned many personal skills. I learned not to be afraid of the unknown. Nowadays, when I see something new, I don't tell myself that I won't be able to do it because I know that I will find the solution to every problem with enough time and effort. Before Telerik Academy, I didn't think like that. 

Petya: The most valuable was the weekly live session with the trainers, where we could learn, ask, and discuss every topic and problem. During the Alpha QA program, we also had mentors who helped us throughout the journey.  

The soft skills sessions are another crucial aspect of the training, and I'm glad we had them. We learned how to learn - that was really valuable to me. After school and university, it turned out to be something I learned here at Telerik Academy. Being proactive is another skill I acquired in Alpha QA, and it still helps me today. The role of a QA is for people who want lifelong learning for themselves because it is a profession for people who never stop searching, learning, and exploring.  


What's your advice for someone who wants to transition to a QA career? 

Katerina: If you are wondering if this career path is for you or if now is the right time to do it, the truth is that the time will never be right. You just have to make it right. If you are interested in starting an IT career, give it a try! When I started, I had no idea how to write a single line of code. The free fundamentals course before Alpha QA helped me learn the basics and discover that I really enjoyed working with code.  

Petya: Step by step, each change is achieved. In Alpha QA, every topic, module, and task are perfectly sequenced, giving you the feeling that every step is as it should be. This helps you follow the path and feel more and more that you have made the right decision starting this exciting journey. Telerik Academy is an investment in yourself - the best one you can make. 

Now it’s time to follow your dreams - apply for Alpha QA and launch your successful IT career in 6 months!   

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