Meet The Team: Nadya Atanasova & Sergei Biliarski


Meet The Team: Nadya Atanasova & Sergei Biliarski

Welcome to our "Meet the Team" blog post series, where we introduce you to the amazing people behind our company! At Telerik Academy, our mission is to help people jumpstart or accelerate successful careers in the software industry, thus changing their lives and helping the sector grow. Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to achieve this mission and make a positive impact in the IT industry. 

So, who are the people that make up our team?  

Let's start with two of our colleagues - Nadya Atanasova, our Technical Training Manager and Sergei Biliarski, our IT Director. We asked them a few questions so you could get to know them better.  

Here's what they shared. 

Meet Nadya Atanasova, our Technical Training Manager


Can you explain as simply as possible what you do at Telerik Academy?
As a Technical Training Manager at Telerik Academy, I take part in developing holistic technical training curricula for the Alpha programs, and I also lead the technical sessions in Alpha JavaScript. Part of my job is ensuring our team's workflows are well organized and that we deliver standardized, high-quality teaching. Additionally, I support my teammates and help them improve at what they do.

What is your favorite part of your job? 
The most valuable aspect of our profession is the opportunity to help people transform their lives and directly impact the growth of Bulgaria's IT ecosystem. As technology trainers, we constantly develop our technical and soft skills. All of this makes me feel inspired and satisfied.

What is the last book you read? And what's the best thing about it? 
"Brave New World"! I was astonished by how relevant a book written 90 years ago can be. While I typically prefer reading good old crime stories, living in challenging times, I recognize the importance of gaining perspective. The book motivates me to be aware of our social issues and not only have an opinion on our country's problems but also act on them. 

Tell us one curious fact about you: 
My personal best is 9 min plank. 😊 

Meet Sergei Biliarski, our IT Director


Can you explain as simply as possible what you do at Telerik Academy?
I ensure my colleagues can work and collaborate seamlessly and securely by providing the necessary technology and tools - both software and hardware. And I get to constantly turn things off and then on again to make them work.  

What is your favorite part of your job? 
That's easy - restarting things! Jokes aside, I really enjoy helping my colleagues do great things by removing technology struggles, big or small.  

What is the last book you read? And what's the best thing about it? 
Beartown trilogy by Backman. Although it may seem like a book about professional hockey, it's actually about being a good friend, colleague, parent, child, or person.

Tell us one curious fact about you: 
I learned German for 15 years so I could one day study in Germany. I even won a scholarship. Then I decided to ditch the whole thing and start working as a junior at Telerik. One of the best decisions of my life. 

We're incredibly proud of our team and the work they do each day. Stay tuned for our next blog post from this series, where you'll get to know more colleagues from our team. 

We'd love to hear from you if you're interested in joining our team. Check out our careers page for current openings, or contact us at We're constantly looking for talented individuals who are passionate about shaping the future of education.

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