Breaking into the world of UX/UI Design


Breaking into the world of UX/UI Design

UX/UI design is a highly sought-after skill in the digital age, as more and more companies are realizing the importance of creating user-friendly and visually appealing websites and apps. The field is rapidly growing, and this career path is a great choice with numerous opportunities.   

When it comes to building a career in user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. After all, the design industry is constantly evolving, and there are a plethora of tools, techniques, and best practices to learn. But don't let that discourage you!  

With the right guidance and resources, you can become a UX/UI designer in just a few months. To be exact, in 3 months.  

How? By joining our holistic program Telerik Academy Upskill UX/UI Design.  

During the 3-month training, you'll be guided by leading designers eager to share their know-how and experience and a team of mentors. The program represents a real-work environment, so you'll work in a small group, develop a complete UX strategy and UI interface, and present it in front of your peers and trainers. And that's not all! 

In this blog post, you'll learn more details about the Upskill UX/UI Design program from the people who went through it – our alumni. 


Just a quick note before we start - admission for the program is still open. So, if you want to break into the world of UX/UI Design, hurry up and apply by March 12

Meet our Upskill UX/UI Design alumni 

Ekaterina Gerova is a UX/UI Designer at DSK Bank, Upskill UX/UI Design graduate, and a mentor during our last edition of the program. Her path in the design industry goes through different roles, and during one of her jobs, she created the design of the 1 BGN paper banknote (withdrawn in 2015). 

"I've always been curious about innovations, so seeing things moving from paper to different types of displays and rapidly digitizing, I decided to elevate my skills and learn more about UX/UI design." 


Valeria Kalinova is a Graphic Designer at Smule. She is about to transfer to the product design department of her company, where she will apply all the newly acquired skills during the Upskill UX/UI program.

"My career started as a graphic designer, but I had the chance to work on many landing pages at my previous company. This was much more interesting to me than editorial, print, and the other tasks of a graphic designer. I wanted to develop in the UX/UI field, and the Telerik Academy Upskill program was the best choice for me - because of the duration, the evening sessions, and the teamwork in small groups during the course." 


Real-work environment 

The Upskill UX/UI Design program helps you fast-track your career with the hands-on skills companies demand. You do that in a close-to-work environment and working in a small group with ambitious like-minded professionals. Just like Ekaterina shared: 

"During the Upskill UX/UI program, you get into a real work environment and work on real projects and tasks. You are in a team the whole time and have to work on projects, build strategies and presentations with your teammates, just like at work. And you are learning from experienced professionals. Apart from the lead trainers (Polya Vassileva and Georgi Balinov), we had guest lecturers from leading companies every week who gave us valuable advice and guidance, and we got a lot of helpful material from them." 

"The program curriculum is highly comprehensive and meticulously designed. It covers every UX/UI design aspect and the latest methodologies, tools, and best practices. You learn topics like Usability testing, Prototyping, Web-based and Mobile-based design, and Typography, and you do things that you might not be able to get to during the first months of your first UX/UI job," added Valeria. 

You do all of this and even more. By the end of the program, you'll have designed a mobile application for a product, a web version of some or all features of the product, and a marketing website or landing page for it. And these projects will help you build an impressive UX/UI portfolio to showcase your new skills. 

Boost for your career 

After the Upskill UX/UI Design program, you’ll be able to instantly use the new skills at your job or start a new career: 

"Employers in the sector wildly recognize the Telerik Academy's certificate. You can benefit from that by being noticed by companies and receiving interview invitations. At the program's end, you will also be prepared to find your first job in the UX/UI field - you will get guidance on developing your portfolio, presenting your case studies, and improving your CV. Everything necessary for a successful career start as UX or UI designer," shared Valeria. 

"The program helped me fill the gaps in my knowledge. Also, the company where I work continues to digitize, and I am happy to share my new skills there and be helpful to my colleagues," added Ekaterina. 

As we mentioned at the beginning of this blog post, Ekaterina was part of the mentorship program during the last edition of Upskill UX/UI Design. She helped the participants during the most challenging moments and guided them through the final project. Here's a picture of Ekaterina with her mentees:


Our graduates' advice 

"For those wondering about joining the Upskill UX/UI program, my advice is to do it. There is nothing to lose! The design industry is very dynamic, and you may need UX or UI skills at some point. During the Upskill program, you learn those skills and develop your communication and soft skills by working in a team. You become a sought-after professional in just 3 months," shared Valeria. 

"During the Upskill UX/UI program, you will learn many new skills, upgrade your knowledge and meet new friends. If that's what you're looking for, this is the program for you," shared Ekaterina. 

Now it's your turn! Join Telerik Academy Upskill UX/UI Design and become a well-rounded UX and UI designer. Admission ends on March 12. 


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