The Hub to Source and Upskill Talent - Telerik Academy for Business

Telerik Academy for Business

Find the Master Junior talent you need to grow in a predictable and sustainable way. Upskill your workforce to keep up with the demands of your business.

Partner Levels

In addition, to the access to top talent to hire, you can also use our services and channels to build and present your employer brand to a highly curated pool of candidates as well as to the Telerik Academy 160,000-strong community.

This is the highest partner level, which provides companies the opportunity for maximum interaction with the students.Ideal for companies who in addition to hiring would like to build their employer branding and enhance HR practices.Ideal for companies who don’t have immediate recruitment needs, but would like to build up their employer branding using our services.Ideal for companies who want to have a “front seat” hiring access to all graduating cohorts.
  • Hiring access
  • Employer branding consulting and activities
  • HR best practices and recommendations
  • Telerik Academy Career Days* event participation
  • Hiring access
  • Employer branding consulting and activities
  • HR best practices and recommendations
  • Telerik Academy Career Days* event participation
  • Hiring access
  • Employer branding activities
  • HR best practices and recommendations
  • Telerik Academy Career Days* event participation
  • Hiring access
  • Employer branding activities
  • HR best practices and recommendations
  • Telerik Academy Career Days* event participation
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 *Telerik Academy Career Days is a two-day event at the end of each program, where Gold partners attend demonstrations of the final projects of out students and get the chance to meet each team face-to-face shortly before their graduation.

Our Graduates


Master Juniors

12% kick-off their career directly as “Regular” developer.


Fighting champions

Start delivering 2 to 3 times faster than standard juniors.


Quick to grow

67% move on to the next career level within their first year on the job.


Loyal employees

57% have worked in one company. Only 7% stayed with an employer less than a year.


Lifelong learners

87% find learning new programming languages easy thanks to Telerik Academy.

6-month bootcamp = 6-month job interview


Top applicant selection

  • Multi-step application filter
  • ICT students or graduates
  • Beginners with some background in programming
  • Experienced professionals pursuing a career-switch

The most intensive program

  • A 6-month, 440+ hour training on C#, JavaScript, Java or Python
  • Full-stack skills and knowledge – from language to algorithms, frameworks, technologies, and data – to create end-to-end fully functional products
  • GitHub, IDE & Tools, Quality practices and principles
  • Heavy emphasis on various learning strategies

The secret sauce

  • Onsite daily lectures with a practical focus
  • Trainers are mentors and coaches
  • Classes in small groups of 40-45 students
  • 20% of program dedicated to soft-skills boost

We simply make your job easier

Using our Talent Platform, you have hiring access to our in-depth student profiles, which help you get to know them in zero time.


Investing in Master Junior talent
is your single most sustainable option

Senior-only no longer works

  • Salaries in the software industry are skyrocketing. They’re nearly 4 times the average in Bulgaria
  • Between 2012 and 2016 remunerations have risen by more than 30%
  • Job-hopping has become the new norm for some (senior) IT specialists

Well-rounded talent is missing

  • Shortage of engineers is the biggest threat tech companies face today
  • Businesses are outbidding each other for talent, artificially inflating salaries
  • There’re a few junior specialists available, but most lack the technical and soft skills needed to help companies power their businesses

Some of the companies that work with us


“Around 15% of our employees are Telerik Academy alumni. They have both the tech skills needed and the attitude of life-long learners. Most importantly, they get up to speed much faster than most junior developers – in some cases within the first few days”.

Stoyan Damov, Co-Founder, Tick42


“We partner with Telerik Academy because we know that their graduates have passed through a demanding program with high-standard education and a practical focus in a competitive environment, and they have proven themselves to be true tech ninjas.”

Ivan Rusev, Head of Software Development, Experian

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