Starting an IT career at twenty


Starting an IT career at twenty



At 20, Kiril Peyanski graduated from Telerik Academy and started his first job as a programmer. He decided to spend enough time to choose the company that would best fit him. So, after several job interviews he finally picked Progress and is now part of the Kendo UI for React team.

From just a hobby to a profession
While still at high school, Kiril took part in Telerik Academy’s courses even though he had to regularly travel from his home town – Dupnitsa – to Sofia. Initially he embraced programming as a hobby, but gradually considered the possibilities for professional development in the field, with Telerik Academy becoming the true turning point for him.

"Telerik Academy changed my life. Being surrounded by people wishing for success in the face of the students and by incredible experts in the face of the trainers, made the transition from hobby to profession quick and seamless. I couldn’t find the same environment and motivation at the university and I put my studies there on hold. The motivation of the Telerik Academy team is much stronger, and it has contributed to my quick and successful professional start."

A career jumpstart
At Telerik Academy Kiril realized the importance of solid communication through the great teamwork and group projects he participated in. He also learned it’s important to always give the best he can, instead of being satisfied with the minimum expectations. A principle he follows incessantly in his work today.

Completing the program, Kiril felt fully confident and ready to start his career and the investment in his training quickly started to pay off.

"At the age of 20, I was already working my dream job! Being independent at this age was a great achievement for me. Without the knowledge and experience I gained at Telerik Academy, I wouldn’t have had such a flying start. Spending all this time and efforts in training, was definitely worth it."

First work in Progress
At Progress, Kiril is involved in building a new product - Kendo UI for React, using some of the most advanced technologies. His main task as a developer is to improve the product every day.

"The product I'm working on was released at the beginning of the year. Being able to track its development is very exciting, I see it as something of my own. And the fact that the decisions I make today will affect hundreds of thousands of people around the world, motivates me even more," he says.

Kiril says that the main reason for choosing Progress as his employer is the attitude towards people and the ability to expand and build on his knowledge with the help of experienced professionals, as well as through resources and established good practices.

"During my first months at Progress, I received valuable guidance and knowledge from the entire team and, above all, from my mentor. He helped me get into the technology and processes that are being used as well as the Progress culture. With direct guidance, I was also given the freedom to find solutions and to cope with the challenges."

Tips for people just starting out programming
Kiril advises those who want to become developer to make the effort needed to successfully enter Telerik Academy.

This is an incredible opportunity to give a strong start to your career development. And for my first work experience in the IT sector, my experience at Progress shows that one can develop every day and every problem has a solution as long as you take time and have a strong team.

Your professional training
Telerik Academy Alpha is the fastest track to a career start in programming. With an individual teaching approach, the small groups and the Academy's trainers who are your mentors.

The 6-month program includes 440 hours of practical training, individually project development as well as teamwork in an environment close to a real work environment as well as training for the enhancement of personal and soft skills. Start writing your successful story, apply at Telerik Academy Alpha right now.


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