Meet The Team: Tsvetelina Radenkova & Vladimir Venkov


Meet The Team: Tsvetelina Radenkova & Vladimir Venkov

Welcome to our "Meet the Team" blog post series, where we introduce you to the amazing people behind our company! At Telerik Academy, our mission is to help people jumpstart or accelerate successful careers in the software industry, thus changing their lives and helping the sector grow. Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to achieve this mission and make a positive impact in the IT industry. 

So, who are the people that make up our team?  

Meet Tsvetelina Radenkova, Learning Experience Designer and Vladimir Venkov, Senior Technical Trainer. We asked them a few questions so you could get to know them better.

Here's what they shared. 

Meet Tsvetelina Radenkova, Learning Experience Designer 


Can you explain as simply as possible what you do at Telerik Academy?
My job is to make our programs more effective and enjoyable for the students and everyone involved.

What is your favorite part of your job? 
I love combining solid research and analytical thinking with imagination and creativity. I love that my job requires innovation that can be achieved through an evidence-based and holistic approach. It's a fantastic kind of synergy, and to be honest, it's really fun.

What is the last book you read?
"Stories of Your Life and Others" by Ted Chiang. It's a collection of science fiction short stories exploring different themes like the power of language, free will, and human capabilities.

Tell us one curious fact about you: 
I have a formal educational degree in non-formal education.

Meet Vladimir Venkov, Senior Technical Trainer 


Can you explain as simply as possible what you do at Telerik Academy?
I help people to become confident about their skills and ability to start a career in the IT sector.

What is your favorite part of your job? 
Observing and being part of the growth of students and the team is my favourite part. Good job, indeed.

What is the last book you read?
"Doing Good Better" by William MacAskill. The best thing about it is the insight that there is effectiveness in doing good too. There is sometimes an order of magnitude difference, which is amazing and should always be considered when choosing how to contribute!

Tell us one curious fact about you: 
By age 25-27, I have read around 400 books - mostly science fiction and fantasy. Nowadays, I am often like: Ok, so this is already happening : ) 

We're incredibly proud of our team and the work they do each day. Stay tuned for our next blog post from this series, where you'll get to know more colleagues from our team. 

We'd love to hear from you if you're interested in joining our team. Check out our careers page for current openings, or contact us at We're constantly looking for talented individuals who are passionate about shaping the future of education.

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