Meet The Team: Natalia Svetozarova & Presiyan Kashev


Meet The Team: Natalia Svetozarova & Presiyan Kashev

Welcome to our "Meet the Team" blog post series, where we introduce you to the amazing people behind our company! At Telerik Academy, our mission is to help people jumpstart or accelerate successful careers in the software industry, thus changing their lives and helping the sector grow. Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to achieve this mission and make a positive impact in the IT industry. 

So, who are the people that make up our team?  

Meet Natalia Svetozarova, Talent Success Specialist and Presiyan Kashev, Junior Administrator - Learning Platforms. We asked them a few questions so you could get to know them better.

Here's what they shared. 

Meet Natalia Svetozarova, Talent Success Specialist 


Can you explain as simply as possible what you do at Telerik Academy?
I look for talented people. My job allows me to meet exceptional and fascinating people who could become valuable pieces of Telerik Academy's team. Besides finding the best fit for each team, I support the team in various ways, such as our Wellbeing program and all its elements. 

What is your favorite part of your job? 
My job is very versatile, including all sorts of tasks and responsibilities. I love that it allows me to be creative in a logical way in most things I do. I have the opportunity to talk to different people, from students to potential candidates to company representatives, and finding a way to present any information engagingly is what I am most excited about. 

What is the last book you read?
"1984" - I hopped on the trend out of curiosity, but I absolutely loved the whole book and theme - the way the message is conveyed, and all the subtle little details the book includes are fascinating.

Tell us one curious fact about you: 
I practice tattooing as a hobby, and I love street food. (Sorry, it's two curious things, I couldn't choose just one.) 

Meet Presiyan Kashev, Junior Administrator - Learning Platforms


Can you explain as simply as possible what you do at Telerik Academy?
In short, I am responsible for all the learning platforms we use in our programs and for enhancing the learning experience for the participants. 

What is your favorite part of your job? 
Constantly bettering the things we do and helping develop future tech leaders. 

What is the last book you read?
"This Poison Heart" by Kalynn Bayron. Its main characters are very diverse, and the book follows their adventure without making their differences the focal point but embracing them.

Tell us one curious fact about you: 
I'm a national First Aid instructor. When I was 15, I started volunteering at The Red Cross and fell in love with First Aid. From then, I developed my skills at a national level and have taught many people from various backgrounds. I still get messages from past students telling me they helped somebody in need. That warms my heart, and even though I don't have much time nowadays, I still try to volunteer and teach First Aid. A few months back, I led a Knowledge Sharing session for my colleagues about First Aid in the workplace. 

We're incredibly proud of our team and the work they do each day. Stay tuned for our next blog post from this series, where you'll get to know more colleagues from our team. 

We'd love to hear from you if you're interested in joining our team. Check out our careers page for current openings, or contact us at We're constantly looking for talented individuals who are passionate about shaping the future of education.

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