Investing in master junior talent


Investing in master junior talent


People are the most important asset for tech companies and with the IT sector thriving in Bulgaria and beyond, the demand for well-rounded specialists is booming.

According to the latest BASSCOM annual study of the Bulgarian software industry, the number of employees in it has increased with 15% compared to last year. This makes for a staggering 3,563 new jobs in the hottest sector in the country. At the same time, just 12,9% of all students are pursuing STEАM degrees.

Does this mean the gap between companies’ needs and professionals available on the market will keep widening even further? It doesn’t have to.

Master junior talent
Some of the leading tech companies are already partnering with Telerik Academy to find and attract the talent that will help them power and grow their businesses. They invest in Master Junior Developers who can easily integrate within their teams and start contributing to the company’s success faster than other junior specialists. In addition, a recent study shows that 70% of Telerik Academy graduates move on to the next level within their first year on the job.

Telerik Academy Master Juniors

Vigorous partner network
More than 40 companies are now part of our ever-growing and dynamic network. The companies that have most recently joined the ranks are Rhythm Engineering  Demax, Dais Software, Nemetschek, GVC Group and TransportSoft. Also, among our partners who are actively looking to expand their workforce with top IT talent coming from Telerik Academy are Tick42, Synchronoss, Experian and Gtmhub.

Telerik Academy Partners
In addition, to the access to top talent to hire, our partners also use Telerik Academy’s services and channels to build and present their employer brands to a highly curated pool of candidates as well as to the Telerik Academy 115,000-strong community.

Here’s how your company can become part of Telerik Academy’s partner network.


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