Hristo's story: Career-changing into programming as a parent


Hristo's story: Career-changing into programming as a parent

Every day we make promises to ourselves. Some are relatively small (like going to bed early), others are more significant – don’t give up on your dream of a future-proof, exciting and well-paid career (quite specific, we know). And while we at Telerik Academy cannot help you with your sleeping habits, we can surely help you become a successful software developer.

To do this, all you need is motivation, desire to learn and 6 months of your time. Hristo Peynov experienced it all first-hand during Alpha JavaScript.

"There are no excuses not to do this," he shared about his training and added:  

"If a 39-year-old man with no experience in programming and, not without its challenging moments, managed to graduate from Telerik Academy while working a regular job and taking care of two small children, you can too. It all depends on you, and the Academy creates a perfect opportunity to discover your potential." 


An opportunity that Hristo took full advantage of and his efforts and dedication during the intensive 6-month program, combined with the support from our Technical and Soft skills trainers, helped him land his first IT job. Less than two weeks after graduating from Telerik Academy Alpha JavaScript, he received a job offer from our partner Grafixoft. 

Not bad for someone who didn’t have any programming experience before the Alpha JavaScript program

How was this possible? This is Hristo’s story!   

Choosing Telerik Academy Alpha

Hristo decided on joining the Alpha JavaScript program after more than six years as Salesforce/Soft skills trainer at IBM. Before that, he had worked in a variety of fields, such as journalism, tutoring, administration, and even football refereeing.  


With an undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Informatics, he had a strong interest in technology but no practical experience.  

"Back in 2014, I tried to start a job in the field of programming and applied for a QA in a company I was recommended at. Unfortunately, the lack of experience and deeper knowledge deprived me of competing with other candidates, and I was not approved. And that ended my first and last attempt to start my path in the IT sector," added Hristo. 

Therefore, when he decided to give his IT profession another shot, he needed an intensive online program entirely focused on developing job-ready skills. 

"Telerik Academy is the most popular educational organization, and I have several friends who have graduated from it over the years. I did my own research about the Telerik Academy programs and the ones at other academies. I decided to enrol in the Alpha JavaScript program, and the main reason was that I needed purposeful and hands-on learning experience in the appropriate environment," explained Hristo. 

The life-changing journey 

At the beginning of 2021, before Alpha JavaScript, Hristo's everyday life included a full-time job, taking care of his two small children and his side passion – refereeing for football matches. Joining the 6-month training at the Academy during the pandemic in Bulgaria gave Hristo a chance to learn skills while working a full-time job. Considering the intensity of the programs, that is quite an achievement.  

Impressive one, if we may add! 

"I started the Alpha program with zero practical knowledge of programming," shared Hristo.   

He managed to stay motivated, work hard and pursue his new career. But this experience would not be the same without the unconditional support of his buddy group. 

“I would not be able to finish the program itself if there were not for my wonderful colleague in my buddy group – Olga, Tanya, Drago, Moni and Milen. In my opinion, we were the most cohesive group, and we made the most progress – both individually and as a team. None of us left the program, and only a month after graduation, we were already hired as developers,” shared Hristo.  

But those were not the only people with a crucial role in his successful career change.  

“I can’t be grateful enough to my trainers during the Alpha JavaScript program – especially Edward and Stoyan, our technical mentors. It was important for me to have a constant commitment, a precise schedule, requirements, and tasks. In general, the environment that I was in during the Alpha program” 

Hristo_Peynov_Alpha_Career_Switch_Programming_Parent_JavaScript_Alumni_TelerikAcademy_ITcareer_286х326This proved to be the key to his prompt life-changing journey - even faster than he could imagine! 
"While the chances for graduation for students like me - taking care of two small children and working two jobs - are slim, they would be non-existent with self-paced programs," shared Hristo and added: 

"Without the obligation to do something or the right environment, and people to pull you forward - you just can't make it that fast." 

The new IT career path with Alpha JavaScript

Hristo described the program as an irreplaceable experience that he would have again, adding: 

"Telerik Academy equipped me with technical and soft skills knowledge and taught me how to work in a team, and better communicate with others. The Academy team connected me with my future employer, a company part of their partner network."  

After graduating from the 6-month Alpha JavaScript program, Hristo quickly found his next job.   

"I accepted a job offer less than two weeks after graduation. My new employers knew about my professional path so far and highly valued my discipline and courage to go through the Alpha program. They appreciated my individual and personal skills, which I developed during the soft skills module in the program."   

As a result, Hristo started the new chapter of his professional life at the right place:  

"I still have a lot to learn, and Grafixoft gives me the opportunity to further develop my personal and professional skills."  

Hristo's advice to you  

"If you decide to start an IT career, join the Telerik Academy Alpha program. You will receive all the knowledge and real opportunities needed to kickstart your developer career immediately after graduating from the Academy. Allocate as much as you can from your time to training, developing new skills, and becoming better at what you have decided to do. It will all be worth it!"   
Are you ready to take on your journey to a successful IT career? Then do not hesitate and apply to Telerik Academy Alpha JavaScript


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