From Telerik Academy Alpha to EGT Digital: To achieve something, you must put effort into it


From Telerik Academy Alpha to EGT Digital: To achieve something, you must put effort into it

Kiril Indzhov is a Junior Java Developer at EGT Digital. After 12 years as a printing press operator, he decided it was time for a career change - a decision that led him to Telerik Academy Alpha Java. What happened next? Well, it’s a great and very motivational story.

photo of kiril, a telerik acadmy alpha graduate, now a java developer at egt digital

“I’m 36 years old, and before the Telerik Academy Alpha Java program, I worked with wide-format printing machines for like 12 years. Before that, I dropped out of an engineering degree“, Kiril shared.

The lack of programming experience is not unusual for our students - it’s even an everyday thing. They all have different backgrounds but one dream - joining the IT sector. And we help them turn it into reality, regardless of the experience or age.

From learning to working

During his six months at Telerik Academy Alpha Java, Kiril mastered all the knowledge and skills to compete in the job market. All this, despite not having any experience in the IT field before the vigorous training led by our experienced tech and soft skills trainers.

“They taught me the basics and even more - most of the things I’m using now in my day-to-day work life,“ Kiril explained.

For him, the idea that if you want to achieve something, you must put the effort in it is one of the most valuable lessons gained at the Academy that he refers to even now. 

“Coasting is the path of stagnation. You must actively try to improve and learn every day,“ shared Kiril and added with a smile, “well, almost every day“.

With this positive attitude, newly acquired skills and motivation to start his first IT job, Kiril graduated from the Alpha Java program at the end of April 2021. By the end of May, he had already undergone a short round of interviews with various companies and decided to continue his career path at EGT Digital. 

“So, I moved from learning to working (and continue learning) in a short period. Considering that the whole point of attending Telerik Academy was me working as a developer, I might say that it was a very well spent 6 months.”

Working at EGT Digital

Although EGT Digital is the first IT company Kiril has experience working for, he felt at the right place soon after his IT career started.

“Judging from my experience, the people looked laid-back and into what they were doing. For me, it was an indication that they liked and cared about the product they were building,“ Kiril recollects his first impression about the EGT Digital team. Something that felt first-hand after joining the company. “Now, when I’m working here, I can definitely confirm that it’s true.“

The team of EGT Digital combines its passion for gaming with technological innovation and focuses on building an iGaming platform that delivers a smooth business experience for the company’s partners.

And Kiril is part of the team responsible for Payments or Depositing and Withdrawing money from and to the iGaming platform that the whole company is building.

"Working with people's money has its array of "be very careful and sure at what you are doing".  And when something goes wrong, the act of investigating where and how a bug occurs can be quite an adventure," Kiril explained. 

Kiril’s advice for our new Telerik Academy students?

“If you want to learn something, then practice it. If you want to master it, don’t stop until you get there. The active pursuit of your goals can be time-consuming and difficult sometimes, but that’s the right way to succeed.”

Are you ready to take on your journey to a successful IT career? Then don’t hesitate and apply to Telerik Academy Alpha Java!

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