Telerik Academy Alpha: Expectation vs Reality

Success Stories

Telerik Academy Alpha: Expectation vs Reality

When embarking on a new educational journey, it's only natural to have certain expectations about what the experience will be like. For Ilian Iliev, joining the Telerik Academy Alpha JavaScript program was a pivotal step towards launching his IT career. And he had a clear goal when he applied for the 6 months program: 

"My goal is to start my career as a software developer as soon as I graduate from Telerik Academy Alpha."  

Fueled by a desire for change and attracted to the dynamic nature of the IT industry, Ilian had high hopes for the Alpha program's ability to provide him with the necessary skills and opportunities for professional growth.  

Fast forward 6 months, and perhaps we won't surprise you when we say that Ilian achieved his goal soon after graduating. Today he is a front-end developer at Lab08, a company he chose over another 3 job offers he received.

You already know that this expectation has been met. But what about the other ones Ilian had before experiencing the program? 

In this blog post, we will learn more about Ilian's journey, exploring his initial expectations and how they compare to the reality he encountered in the Alpha JavaScript program


1. I will be one of many students

"Before joining the program, I assumed I would be one of many students in a large group and wouldn't receive much individual attention or support from the trainers. The reality was quite different. The Alpha program was structured so that we could work closely with our trainers and fellow students in small learning groups. We were divided into buddy groups of 7-8 people and worked together on assignments and projects, discussed case studies, problems and solutions, and developed our final project - a real-world web application. This was not only a great way to learn from one another but also helped us develop our communication and teamwork skills - essential skills in any workplace. 

Additionally, our technical and soft skills trainers were always there to answer questions and provide guidance when we needed it. When I was having a difficult time, or I was a step behind the others, I could turn to one of the trainers or mentors with whom I could talk about my challenges. This was one of the most helpful aspects of the program." 

2. The trainers will only teach 

"Firstly, I thought that the trainers would only teach during the Alpha program. I expected that they would simply deliver lectures and provide us with notes. However, I was surprised to discover that they also shared practical examples and discussed topics and cases with us. They were always available to answer our questions and provide guidance whenever we needed it. This helped me to understand the theoretical concepts better and how to apply them in real-world scenarios." 

3. I will have only a few practical assignments

"I knew we would work on technical projects and tasks - like in every training. But the reality turned out to be more than just that in the best possible way. We were regularly given hands-on assignments and projects that allowed us to apply the knowledge we acquired during the lectures in a hands-on manner. We had 3 group projects which not only were like the ones we see online, but they also fostered problem-solving skills and encouraged teamwork. I actively collaborated with my buddy group, exchanging ideas and finding solutions to the given tasks." 

4. The lectures will be only technical materials 

"What I learned during Alpha JavaScript was more than just technical skills. We had soft skills sessions (a little break from the technical ones) which taught us valuable communication and teamwork skills. Additionally, we had sessions with a career coach who helped us develop our CVs, prepare for the HR and technical interviews, and, most importantly, find the right workplace for us." 

5. I will have a hard time finding a job after graduation  

"Like many students, I had concerns about my job prospects after completing the Alpha JavaScript program. I worried that finding a job for a junior developer would be a daunting task. Тhis concern was already washed away in the program. During the Alpha program, we met with the Academy's partnership network and had the chance to learn more about a couple of IT companies, their teams and products or services. Those companies were looking for junior developers, just like us. That was a great opportunity to connect with leading employers and find a job. 

I also had a few companies in mind that had made a positive impression on me, and after graduation, I started applying. Luckily, everything happened quickly - I had a couple of interviews, tasks and soon 4 job offers. I was amazed! 6 months, and I was in a position to choose where to work. Eventually, I chose a company that matched my interests and career aspirations. Right from my first interview at Lab08, I had a feeling that this was the team where I could truly grow. Now, 3 months later, my conviction has only grown stronger." 

Now it’s time to follow your dreams - apply for Alpha JavaScript and launch your successful IT career in 6 months!


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