Creative writing and SEO: how one marketing expert found the balance

Success Stories

Creative writing and SEO: how one marketing expert found the balance

The marketing industry is constantly evolving and rapidly growing. This makes it an exciting profession with many work opportunities because of the digitalization of every business nowadays.  

But its speed of growth also means that you can seriously fall behind if you work in that area and do not follow the trends. How to do that? Or how to join the digital marketing world if you are currently in a different role with a relevant experience like traditional marketing, sales, or business owner? Keep on reading, and we will share our secret with you! 
Nay, better - we'll share the story of a person just like you - thinking about the digital marketing world. A person who we trusted our secret with. 

Meet Emanuela Ivanova, an editor with almost 20 years of media experience and "a person who loves words and has fun creating texts," as she describes herself. But something was missing in her career. 

"I needed to bridge the gap between creating content and its distribution in the digital world. It was time to reconcile the two sides of this collaboration." 

We reached out to Emanuela to learn more about her inspirational story and how the skills learned during Upskill Digital Marketing helped her today in her new job at  


Oh, we almost forgot about the secret, didn't we?  

Well, you'll learn it in detail in the interview. Still, to transition to digital marketing or to stay relevant in the ever-changing field, you need to learn from experienced professionals who know the ins and outs of the DM spectrum. You can do that in our 3-month Upskill Digital Marketing training and learn from more than 13 leading marketing experts. The shortest path to becoming a full-stack digital marketing professional. 

The path that Emanuela took. 

chris-velev-telerik-academy-upskill-digital-marketing-quote-270"At the beginning of the program, Emanuela was unsure of her SEO skills, and her goal was to develop them. In just 3 months, she made remarkable progress and learned many new skills. She discovered a hidden technical SEO issue for her client that can trouble even a seasoned SEO specialist with years of experience and made the right suggestions on how to resolve it right after the technical SEO session we had. The final project she presented with her team was amazing and showed the dedication of each one of them," shared Chris Velev, the Upskill Digital Marketing lead trainer and founder of DigiMentals.

Let’s dive into Emanuela’s inspirational story. 

Hi, Emanuela, thank you for sharing your story with our readers and us! Why did you decide to join the Upskill Digital Marketing program

I have worked in various media in Bulgaria for almost 20 years - mainly as an editor, but I was also a radio host for a short time. For a person who loves words and has fun creating texts, there is nothing more “exciting” than having an SEO specialist or a marketing person who understands the Google tools to come and explain to the author what and how to write. The feeling is the opposite of pleasant. However, anyone who creates content that they believe makes sense to reach more people knows that without these tools today, your work is as effective as if you were creating masterpieces only you can see. It was curial for me to reconcile the two sides of this collaboration between creating content and its distribution in the digital world. Today the two things still give me a headache, but at least they are now walking side by side in the same direction. 

What did you find most valuable in the program?   

It remains a mystery to me how our mentor, Chris Velev, managed to be a digital guru in his agency Digimentals, one of four superhumans in his family, and our lead trainer during the 3-months program. He always had time to respond to students' messages at all times of the day. Chris had made it his mission for us to understand SEO - his main topic during the course, and even did an additional Q&A session. 

This enthusiasm and willingness to share their experience and know-how came from every trainer in the program. They gave us insights from their many years of experience in the ever-changing digital marketing world, and that was priceless. 

The Upskill program allowed me to be part of something exciting again, meet new people with different and interesting stories, and remember that it is genuinely fulfilling when you do something for yourself that makes you a better professional. 

How the new skills acquired during the program help you in your career?

Recently I joined the team of the volunteering platform, and now I'm the person who will say "hello" to you by email if you decide to do something good for someone and gather like-minded people with a mission. 

Currently, a significant part of my work is processing basic information about an initiative that arrives from various NGOs or from great people with giant hearts who help anyone in need. These are most often individual words, facts, dates, and emotional sentences, but in reality, they are someone's good intentions that I have to turn into a message that reaches the right people to support it. So, keyword research and SEO significantly help when I create texts and copies for mission promotions on social networks.   

Our team at work is small, and everyone's positions are pretty fluid - we are all involved in developing and implementing projects and strategies, including social media marketing. We are about to create a new website, and it's exciting for me to participate in the process, including content audit, optimization and planning before and after the migration. So, all the segments we covered in the Upskill Digital Marketing program will help me in this process. 

What advice would you give to someone thinking about becoming a digital marketer?

If you ever have doubts about whether or not to do something, whether this course is for you, or whether you can handle it, the right answer is always "try it". It's probably a cliché, but it's true - just ask yourself: What's the worst that could happen?  

The answer will show you that this decision has only good outcomes for you. 

So don’t wait any longer. Apply for Upskill Digital Marketing by January 22 and future-proof your skills. 

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